By muffincakess - 21/01/2010 00:55 - France

Today, I went to buy some spray paint for a project. I've never used a spray can before, so I decided to try it on paper provided. Unfortunately I didn't hold the can the right way and ended up with black, permanent, paint all over my face in the middle of a store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 935
You deserved it 37 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet you don't know how to work a seat belt or a light switch either, please bring an escort the next time you leave the house.

Jesta05 0

WTF u managed to get it past ur hand? onto ur face? geez ur supertalented.


wow. wtf. seriously. How hard is it to use a spray can. It's the easiest shit in the world. GZ m9 though you've learned the secret to the best art in the world.

Yeah seriously? I mean every deodorant can in the world has some form of spray, even whipped cream uses a spray top. Why would you just assume it's the right direction?

@White667 Keep in mind that the OP is from France ... asking them if they've used antiperspirant is useless.

tea & crumpets or frogs legs and cooked snail? hmmm tough choice

retard...have u never sprayed anything in your life?

caticaticati 3

Have you ever gotten spray paint on yourself though? I got green on my feet once and it didn't come off for weeks, no matter how many showers I took or how much I was at the beach in the water.

yes i have. it all ways comes off. just have to know what to use :|

caticaticati 3

It comes off but it takes forever...

Not if you use paint remover? Hell, I'd suppose that even nail varnish or make-up remover would also work.

On your face? Dude that shit's toxic. Might aswell throw acid over your face

caticaticati 3

Trust me man, I tried everything.

And while your at it, put a spike through your eye socket, because really, that's the same thing as accidentally spraying yourself with paint. EDIT: ok this was supposed to be a reply to the acid comment.

Meh I'm a painter an ALL paint comes off u just need hot soapy water and some elbow grease

Jesta05 0

WTF u managed to get it past ur hand? onto ur face? geez ur supertalented.

yeah i was gunna say, dunno how you can pull that off without pointing it straight at your face purposefully

alliewillie 22

Well I like the whole "I didn't hold it the right way". No. You held it BACKWARD. That's more than just "not the right way"

I bet you don't know how to work a seat belt or a light switch either, please bring an escort the next time you leave the house.

muckdog19 2

Hey don't be mean. Some people don't realize the hole is supposed to go away from them. Or that the point this way sign actually means something.

iankennedy17 0

OP is definitely a woman. that's why us guys buy spray paint. and drive. next time stay in the kitchen. peace!

yes, because all women fail at everything, and no man has ever done anything stupid. sexism FTW!

it's the guys sperm that creates retards like OP. I blame the men!!

Reading is fundamental. Next time read the instructions if you don't know how to use something. YDI

isitofficial_ 0

fail mang/ read properly, OP said it was in the middle of the store. and even if it had instructions it would probably have only said that it was highly flammable! gosh you loser, get your facts right!

I agree with #8.. Best way to avoid this issue would be to RTFM.

#30 if there was no instructions OP should've asked a store assistant or something. But I am pretty surprised at how someone can not manage to hold a spray can the right way, it's pretty simple. Unless OP has never used deodorant or perfumes/aftershave, I don't see how it can be that difficult. Just my opinion though.

paramorefan125 0