By muffincakess - 21/01/2010 00:55 - France

Today, I went to buy some spray paint for a project. I've never used a spray can before, so I decided to try it on paper provided. Unfortunately I didn't hold the can the right way and ended up with black, permanent, paint all over my face in the middle of a store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 932
You deserved it 37 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet you don't know how to work a seat belt or a light switch either, please bring an escort the next time you leave the house.

Jesta05 0

WTF u managed to get it past ur hand? onto ur face? geez ur supertalented.


urlyfdoessuck 0

wow what a ****** dumbas u should be ashamed of urself if u cant hold a ****** can of paint right

tdawgheath 0

It wears off. Your body sheds dead skin cells daily, it'll be gone within a week, probably within a couple days.

how stupid can a person be????? should not be allowed to reproduce and your parents should be hit in the head with a hammer.....

Seabeast1000 4

excuse me, but wouldn't your finger be in the line of spray? unless you were aiming at your face the hole time?

claudia8D 0

epic fail for not being able to use a paint spray can

h2opoloplaya 0

wow I actually laughed at this one

I did that to my arm with tea rose pink paint :3 My mom couldnt believe that it actually had happened

pwnmaster9000 0

Uhh.. WTF? How the hell could you not know how to use a spray paint can?? Honestly? Recognize where the small hole is. Point away from self. Gently apply pressure.

Oh that shit's impossible to get off. Good luck, OP. you have a lot of scrubbing ahead of you.