By Anonymous - 29/05/2010 13:16 - Malaysia

Today, someone switched my hairspray with bug spray when I didn't notice. I used it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 994
You deserved it 6 547

Same thing different taste


Op maybe u looks just like a croach. ;)

MissRachieee 3
TaylorTotsYumm 10

Once again..there needs to be a "stop complaining" voting button. Agreed^ just go wash your hair!

lalalalatgb 0

wait dont u look at the can first?

You should have noticed the smell difference right away.

agreed, just wash ur hair not a big deal..... bugs wont come close to u ?

RaIeigh 0

Pandapoo go get some rest :P

 nvm I'm confused u meant roach end of story.

Fang_Banger 0

Raleigh I like your tattoo! what is it? lol

RaIeigh 0

Stars with leopard print going around them (:

Agreed with everyone else ydi and get over it.

Vanessaxx 0

thatss a pretty hot tatt Raaa

RaIeigh 0

Thank you Vanessa, aka chick who has never seen The Office :3

well atleast ur hair won't have bugs and second fmls just keep getting wimpier and wimpier

Vanessaxx 0

don't keep bringing that up! goshh! ;P

RaIeigh 0

I'm sorry but I just can't forget such things, gawshh! :] Hah, I guess I could stop giving you crap about it.

00yoda4 0

ydi beacouse you didn't read the bottle and just sprayed it ydi also for causeing globle warming

Vanessaxx 0

thankss<3 I appreciate itt(:

clanceyrocks11 0

oh well, no bug bites for you.

Fang_Banger 0

I've never seen the office either lol

RaIeigh 0

Ooo my comment poofed :o Gahh, what's up with all you people who have never seen The Office?

Now if a mosquito comes within a foot of your head they'll combust Win 

house is badass, not as badass as Jack bauer though.

Snugglez 0

and you didn't notice? OP your an idiot.

andrew_44324 0

proof that women cant do anything right but make themselfs look like ***** and morons


hahaha says the guy who failed miserably at attempting to get her number lmfao dude gtfou lol

hey I didn't know raid made hair spray!

that blows! but at least bugs won't bug you anymore

beastyboyz321 0

aasmg you comment alot but im not complainin where you live at?

beastyboyz321 0

yah your funny i like readin your comments but are you datin that one guy?

Vanessaxx 0

I love threadjacking . lmfao espically when there's hot guys that do it with you(:

beastyboyz321 0

ya raleigh thats the one i was talkin about you with him?

Vanessaxx 0

yahh them. but don't forget Jimmyy!<3

beastyboyz321 0

oh ok dam dude sorry no disrespect to your girl...lucky guy though

RaIeigh 0
SpyderMonkee 0

Does OP have a beehive hairdo?

BluSkyNoise 0

that fixes your lice problems?? well, sortaa

epoh_fml 0

hmmm that's some interesting info right there, Raleigh :S

burn lmao and man work was interessting 2 energy drinks and no sleep = me being hyper full of energy shaky and eyes blurring a little but lmao and I for to help a blind man yes!!!! lmao

epoh_fml 0

romskiies--that commer made no sense. go to bed :)

Does anyone know what would actually happen to your hair?

RaIeigh 0

^ Get a life. That is all.

epoh_fml 0

damn aasmg, they're PMing you about that? fml stalkers 0_o

hope it made perfect sense when your sleep deprived ^ahaha an yea haters nee stfu and leave em alone it's their life they're adults they'll know what to do with their lives

can't hope I gotta shower n go out an drink and so it all over again, maybe another all nighter ahhaha dueces

7-Maybe OP straightens or curls their hair every day. I straighten mine every day, which takes about an hour. Plus the OP would have to dry their hair. Still, I think most people would notice the difference in the bottles and smell.

autumn16 0

at least you won't have Mosquitos and stuff come close to you (: just cover up the smell with real hair spray and body mist.. it's a win win (:

well the bugs wont go after you yaaaay!!!1

YevKassem 0 what's the big deal??

WolfsGuns 0

op, you must smell like shit from it

thejerk56 8

sounds like a prank. op, it's time for revenge!

ActiveForce 0

OP, well atleast u wont hav any bugs on yu

nothing big not a **** my life but I'll just say so