By Anonymous - 15/09/2013 04:02 - United States

Today, my teenage son tried to huff a can of spray paint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 502
You deserved it 6 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you even come to the conclusion that it'd be remotely interesting or hilarious to "huff" spray paint?

It's probably something he saw on YouTube. Next he'll be trying the cinnamon challenge and putting Mentos into Diet Coke. Huffing spray paint is just a gateway viral video. Be warned!


How do you even come to the conclusion that it'd be remotely interesting or hilarious to "huff" spray paint?

I did it for a while. I look back now and realise how stupid it was...

It baffles me that you're actually looking back in retrospect on something that should have immediately been red flagged as a big no-no.

kman8599 8

So you never did anything stupid as a teenager?

TheDrifter 23

There's stupid fun, then there's stupid "you'd have to be retarded to think this is a good idea". If more people understood the difference, life would be better.

BubbleGrunge 18

Apparently you guys don't remember being teenagers. Nor do you realize that huffing spray paint is actually a way to get high. A stupid way, but a way non the less.

Nobody said he did it for fun. Don't you remember all the angsty things we did as teenagers? We were all transitioning from being kids to becoming adults (god knows that sucked.) and looking for an outlet. Be it sad poetry, sports, drugs or apparently huffing spray paint. If you didn't, then congrats! You escaped the crazy emotional roller-coaster of puberty. But don't condemn a kid as "unfixable stupid for life" for making a mistake. You're overreacting. For all you know, this was the kid's amateurish debut into huffing spray paint and that's why he got caught.

I mean its stupid because in the past few years kids have been dying bc of huffing. So its not about being a teen bc adults have been dying to its just about being dumb

CallMeMcFeelii 13

You never saw that episode of cops with the guy who had the golden face? I wanted to be the guy with the golden face damn it! Haha. No.. I was smart enough to stay away from spray paint. I did try ether once though.. Johnny Depp made it look so fun!

If you're a teenager, I'm assuming you should probably know better than to huff spray paint. It seems pretty self-explanatory

#37 ever see Johnny depp in fron hell, absinthe and laudanum is the way to go *sadistic grin*

I tried cat urine.... Yes, South Park. Yes, it was stupid.

tjv3 10

Right out of the can? I saw a documentary about huff and the would spray the paint into a soda can then huff

Well thats not good. Hopefully this is the only thing you have to worry about and hopefully thats the end of that.

That's too much "hope" you are asking for my friend.

Well, guess you don't think things through when you are all huffed up on spray paint.

Missyeru 14

That sucks, but be glad he's not doing Bath Salts.

Little4Bear 10

Well, we don't know that for sure. Judging by OP's son's actions he probably does (or wants to do) other things. All I know is OP should really crack down (no pun intended) hard on her son and really keep him on check. Life's too short to be doing stupid things that can threaten your life.

I think huffing paint is probably worse for you. Bath salts refers to a pretty wide range of research chemicals out there right now, not all of which are the kind that you hear about on the news (not that I'm saying research chemicals are great either but I hope I've made my point). :P

go ahead n do the intervention now.. nip that shit in the bud!!

One does not simply huff a can of spray paint! When will people learn!

anonomot 11

It's probably something he saw on YouTube. Next he'll be trying the cinnamon challenge and putting Mentos into Diet Coke. Huffing spray paint is just a gateway viral video. Be warned!

Or using his butt-crack as a firework stand.

So did the huff paint come before or after twerking on YouTube to add to that lovely list?

My erm "friend" did that successfully. It was pretty horrid. 0/10 would not recommend! xP

I've put mentos in Diet Coke. Nothing happened...

Elfkid21 19

Guess you should have been a better parent and kept a closer eye on your idiot kid.

Exactly how many parents do you see watching their 16 year old all the time? The kid is old enough to not half to be babysat, he's just a dumbass.

Everyone's confusing this FML with the last one, this one doesn't specify age so the kids could be anywhere from 13-19, nowhere in the FML does it say he's 16.

Ground him for wasting perfectly good grafitti paint. That shit's supposed to be decorating police buildings and traffic signs, not sitting in his lungs!

TheDrifter 23

Since graffiti is a public art form, can we publicly judge it? There are a couple wannabe Picassos around my neighborhood that need a good whooping for sucking so badly. If you're gonna paint buildings, learn to paint first. /rant

He tried and probably failed. Which ended up in him "Picassoing" his face.