By Anonymous - 21/12/2010 20:51 - United States

Today, I went and bought my wife a new cell phone for a Christmas present. She called me five minutes later saying she got a notification e-mail thanking her for her purchase. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 886
You deserved it 11 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NotYourOrdinary7 6
perdix 29

I guess Santa screwed that one up by sending your wife the e-mail that ruined the surprise. Old people and technology!


Pb25797051 0

just tell her that you got it. and if she doesnt believe you dont get her anything

Pb25797051 0
jizzho 0

your the one that made me confused

Lie and say someone stolen either of your identities. At Christmas reveal your lie. Can't possibly backfire.

1) she would probably call the police for identity theft 2) she would find the card in his/her wallet. yea, wouldn't backfire alright.

yellowdub 4

Paige you look different! your hair looks nice.

That "woody" guy confused the shit out of me! well atleased im over that:)

atleased? have people just given up? maybe too much time in the gym lol

At leased? My faith in humanity has officially been lost.

0opsie 6

He bought his wife a new cell phone, and was planning to give it to her as a Christmas present. But the company sent her an email thanking her for the purchase and ruined the surprise. (Or it could be that he used her card to purchase it, like other people have said.)

Darko21 5

Either his wife is the primary owner of the cell phones (she pays the bills) and received the e-mail of the purchase or he used his wife's card to buy her own present.

No, #10. If they're like most couples, they have a joint home email. During the purchase, the company asked the husband for his email address (which he gave). The company's system then automatically spit out a "thank you email" that the wife ended up seeing, thus spoiling the surprise. Idiot company needs to add another "if/then" line of code in it's programming to avoid ruining surprises.

Most couples that I know do not have a joint home E-mail.

Maybe we're in different age groups. As I said, most couples I know have one email account for home use.

he bought her phone and her provider emailed her telling her, he hadn't given her the phone yet

heroesgleealias 0

87) shut up!! You are the loser.

thanks for the helo guys! but the people who called me a loser for not getting it, go choke on it!!

caramelluv 0
LadiiFresH 0

tell her what? she already know about the present.

Tell her she's pregnant and the baby will be requiring a new cell phone!

Okay there, Snooki. Put your **** away!

BandddGeekkk 0

so wait, you bought the phone with her monies? what a jerk... I think that's what this is saying...

that COULD be what he did.... but the point was that the wife was dumbfounded by the fact that a random cell phone was purchased under their credit... so she just called to confirm with her husband about the charge and his surprise was ruined.

I agree, my wife and I have joint bank accounts and I saw this scenario in my head happening so I straight up said, I'm taking cash out of the ATM so when you balance our account online, it doesn't ruin the surprise.

NotYourOrdinary7 6

You can't give Christmas presents early. Its a rule.

A lot of people open some or all of their gifts on Christmas Eve night. I think this may be prevalent in Hispanic cultures?

62, I was going to tell you that was an interesting thing to assume, but then I realized that my family does open their presents Christmas Eve. We are Hispanic. ._."

When does Santa make his delivery? While you're at Mass? Or, does Santa have no place in Hispanic culture?

So the FML here is what, your surprise was ruined? That's barely even a minor annoyance. Everyone who voted "yes" to this one, line up over here on the left. You're all getting a boot to the head followed by a swirlie followed by an atomic wedgie. You all suck.

Agreed. OP, if you were slow-witted enough to give an email address she had access to, you shouldn't be shocked. The outcome is not so dire. Your wife gets a nice present and you can still slip her a little surprise on Christmas day.

I'm in the mood for a wedgie, so I'm going to lie and say I voted "yes".

zp5 4

*reads first sentence of Doc's comment* I agree with that. *reads rest* ...crap. *lines up*

Wow, I'm at 5 thumbs down so far. All you thumbs-downers better be in line...

I'm in line for the seventh time. It was ever so enjoyable.