By Anonymous - 21/12/2010 20:51 - United States

Today, I went and bought my wife a new cell phone for a Christmas present. She called me five minutes later saying she got a notification e-mail thanking her for her purchase. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 884
You deserved it 11 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NotYourOrdinary7 6
perdix 29

I guess Santa screwed that one up by sending your wife the e-mail that ruined the surprise. Old people and technology!


thatonedame 6

seriously? not even close to an fml. big f-ing whoop. at least you did in fact buy the phone and not some dumb ass who got your info and charged it to your account. stop whining. at least you can afford a new phone.

The account for the cellphone he bought his wife is probably in HER name...seeing as it is HER phone so after he bought it the Store sent HER an E-mail thanking her for the purchase of the phone its the Store being retards not him using her money or anything else...just pure stupidity of the store that ruined it for him

Haha, Sounds like something that happened to my parents! I am a total Apple ***** (Having the newest apple products)! And They went and got me An Iphone 4, Ipad, & Macbook Pro, all while giving them my apple Id not thinking they would send me a email! :D I am most likely not telling them, and will put on my surprised face, as should she have done.

same thing happened to me this year, but I'm on the same side as the wife. husband bought me a new motorcycle, insured it, and I got the email confirming the addition to the policy. I haven't told him I know that though, so hopefully I'll be able to pull a convincing "omg surprised!" face.

You youngsters and your technology. When I was your age we had telegram machines and they took 15 days to send a message.

it could of been worse, she could of gotten herself a whole other phone

Can't you change the email address before you purchase something?