By Anonymous - 21/12/2010 20:51 - United States

Today, I went and bought my wife a new cell phone for a Christmas present. She called me five minutes later saying she got a notification e-mail thanking her for her purchase. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 884
You deserved it 11 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NotYourOrdinary7 6
perdix 29

I guess Santa screwed that one up by sending your wife the e-mail that ruined the surprise. Old people and technology!


how is that a fml? do she knows what your getting

selene1_fml 0

damn tht sucks awesome Christmas Present ruined now!! ::(((

y is this even here? nothing funny or bad happen just ur wife getting a txt wow

Whoops! Was she at least pleased with your purchase?

flodezie 0

lol.. cats out the bag there buddy...

uss125 0

that is not an fml my dad does that every year. he does not understand technology.

soldier4life_88 0
thisgirl2u 9

Well, I think your wife is a little mean to ruin such a thoughtful surprise, unless your thoughtfulness was at her expense with her debit card. :(

Yeah, I work at a cell phone store bro. They really need to do something about that...