By bluntedone - 03/02/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I spent $400 at the stripclub and got 4 phone numbers. I as walked out of the club, I noticed it was trans-night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 036
You deserved it 52 146

Same thing different taste

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wow what the ****? $400??? you're DESPERATE, dude.

jimmythegirl 0

bahahahaha but really why did you spend $400 at a stripclub.............


quiksta 0

@#7 i guess bob, you understand the difference between sex, but not species. a dog is a different animal than humans, understand? therefore, it has different holes. i'm sure if one really was determined, it would work out fine and dandy. since you're so interested, keep us all posted.

Eir_fml 1

@8: he can respond with go screw a corpse. It's human, right.

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Woah! Since when did all strip clubs become prostitution rings?

I have no idea, but that does sound Quite fun. Transsexuals and Cross-dressers are just so lovely!!!

jimmythegirl 0

bahahahaha but really why did you spend $400 at a stripclub.............

azhein 0

not only that but why would you want to get a strippers number. a shemales at yhat

Guiseppi 0

Wow... The fact that you would spend that much money even for legitimate women is perplexing.

wow what the ****? $400??? you're DESPERATE, dude.