By dude - 24/03/2009 20:52 - United States

Today, I was walking downtown when a bum approached me for some change. I planned to give a couple dollars but after pulling out my wallet exposing my cash, the bum beat me unconscious. The bum is a 5'0" tall woman; I'm a 6'2" male out $200. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 138
You deserved it 34 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, have you not learned to never take out your wallet or show how much cash you have on the streets? Thats just basic.

Bubs_fml 0

Gotta watch out for that Falcon Punch. Even homeless women can do it.


Really? how dose one let something like that happen?

dabears4life 0

people can do some crazy shit on drugs... trust me I used to work in a rehab facility.

jellycorn 13

What I find odd is that he knew exactly how tall she was.

You sir, need some Jenny Craig or P90X

Bubs_fml 0

Gotta watch out for that Falcon Punch. Even homeless women can do it.

blkwhtrbbt 0

WIN. what an awesome comment.

Honestly, have you not learned to never take out your wallet or show how much cash you have on the streets? Thats just basic.

reras89 0

That's why you don't give a bum money unless you have spare change in your pocket. Why the hell would you expose your wallet. YDI.

Anonymus101 4

LOL, YDI for getting your ass kicked by a woman a foot smaller then you.

Hahaha! I'm sorry for laughing at you but this is just too funny! XD

mootimee 0

Yes, I'm sure that as you got the shit beaten out of you, you took out your measuring tape to record that this bum was 5'0, exactly.

i have no clue how a 5 foot woman could beat you up. i'm sure there was a way to defend yourself. punch her in the face, run away, punt her, step on her. whatever it takes