Puke is good for you

By Anonymous - 11/02/2021 07:57 - Germany - Zittau

Today, there's a campaign in my country advertising natural dog food. Apparently, nobody amongst the creators speaks English. How do I know? The hashtag they came up with is #SimplyBarf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 775
You deserved it 95

Same thing different taste

Top comments

B.A.R.F. is just short for "Biologically Appropriate Raw Food", which is just a homemade diet for dogs consisting of raw meats, organs, bones, and veggies combined in a ratio of 80/10/5/5. It sounds gross, but it's a good alternative to kibble or canned food by far!


Now you know how we francophones feel when we see an add for a product with the word "bite" in it. I don't want to put penises in my mouth!

B.A.R.F. is just short for "Biologically Appropriate Raw Food", which is just a homemade diet for dogs consisting of raw meats, organs, bones, and veggies combined in a ratio of 80/10/5/5. It sounds gross, but it's a good alternative to kibble or canned food by far!

It's an awful alternative with risks of salmonella infection and other digestive infection or intoxication, also obstruction not to mention it's generally not well balanced. Do not believe everything you read that says "it's natural" and ask actual medical practitioners or, even better, read scientific publications...

I've been feeding my dog a B.A.R.F. diet for almost 4 years with no issues at all whatsoever. In fact, his appetite improved, his weekly diarrhea episodes he used to have when on kibble stopped, his ear infections stopped, and he's been in great shape even at 8 years old. People mistake him for a 2-3 year old. I made sure to research as much as possible before switching him, and rotate his diet with homemade and prepackaged raw food. You ought to research it too rather than only listen to people fear-mongering about e-coli and salmonella, which is only a concern if you don't clean up after yourself. If you prepare your dog's food and wash all dishes and surfaces like you would when preparing your own food, you shouldn't be catching anything. Look into the diet itself, and you'll find that there's endless sources of scientific information on the benefits of B.A.R.F. as opposed to kibble or canned foods.

randybryant799 20

i am completely confused as why this has any effect on you.