By Anonymous - 18/05/2009 12:40 - United Kingdom

Today, I was telling my mother about my earrings hurting my ears. I had a cut on my ear close to the piercing and she thought that I had mistaken the cut for the opening, and said (as we walked past a car full of men), "Well of course it hurts when you put it in the wrong hole!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 045
You deserved it 8 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakelover 0

WTF MOM!?!?! Moms always say shit at the wrong time...


pancakelover 0

WTF MOM!?!?! Moms always say shit at the wrong time...

It probably made the men in the car hot for your mom, not you!

It would have been more awesome if a guy had then walked up to you and introduced himself.

If it was the crush... Typical highschool scenario... She's lucky she didn't know any of them...

RosarioRivera 0
deaditegirl 0

Not an FML. Oh no. You were briefly embarrassing. Get over it.

It's funny. It messes someone's day up. It qualifies. Sheesh.

deaditegirl 0

Oh no. You were momentarily embarrassed. Not an FML.