By Pierced - 30/05/2017 18:00

Today, my mother accused me of getting another lip piercing done on the sly to spite her. She finally realised I have more than one and won't believe I've always had two. Thanks for noticing, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 110
You deserved it 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother is only being a prick because she realizes that you like being pierced. She's just trying to be relatable.

Time to Bring out old photos to prove your point!


Your mother is only being a prick because she realizes that you like being pierced. She's just trying to be relatable.

Time to Bring out old photos to prove your point!

Very good, looks like your mother finally learned how to count!

It seems so crazy for her to not notice you had two lip piercing, face piercings are very obvious. Plus if she apparently doesn't want you to have piercings, wouldn't she have made a big fuss about you getting one in the first place? How did she not notice you had two?