By BeatenUpPup - 18/05/2009 12:22 - Canada

Today, my daughter and I were at a school carnival. At the face painting station, she sat down and asked for a kitty on her face. Next, she shoved me on a chair and whispered something into the lady's ear. I ended up with a 'black eye' by request of my own daughter. She's 4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 208
You deserved it 5 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakelover 0

At least she didn't ask her to paint a penis on your face.

Wouldn't you have thought something or asked while they were painting around your eye?


Wouldn't you have thought something or asked while they were painting around your eye?

>.> any history of that? Not really a FML

Mmcmurdo91 0

it's funny because your 4 year old can push you.

hahahaa your daughter is funny :] she'll do great things someday.

You didnt notice all the black pain around around your eye, and no where else? YDI

assurant 12

I never had back pain before I always had the white pain

pancakelover 0

At least she didn't ask her to paint a penis on your face.

Country29 16

yeah you are really lucky she didnt do that.... that would say something for your daughter tho...

i don't get it did he really get a black eye -- due to some pussy (cat) comment ?

kittykat1501 31

no, painted on. that's why there were " " around it.