By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 19:34 - United States

Today, I was shopping at Walmart, when a large lady and her friend blocked the aisle I was trying to go down. After saying, "Excuse me," twice and being ignored, I pushed my way through. After getting past, I looked back and noticed she was glaring at me while signing to her friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 161
You deserved it 13 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because they're deaf doesn't mean they need to block the damn aisle. I don't know how they expected you to guess they couldn't hear you.

Acousticpixie14 6

I'm torn between pitying you and being angry with you. People in grocery stores are so rude. I'm 9 months pregnant and was getting the last few things I need before my son gets here. Well the Target in my town made their aisles more narrow so I just barely fit through alone. Well some lady sat and just stared at me for a while and made me really uncomfortable and then just walked right up close to me, causing me to back away. She did this until I'd backed out of the aisle almost completely and then shoved me out of the way. Seriously? Who shoves a pregnant lady? On the other could have tried to tap her on the shoulder or backed out of the aisle and gone down the next one. There's always a way to maneuver around people. I do think it was rude of her to be glaring at you. If I were deaf, I'd understand that you probably assumed she heard you. But who knows? Maybe she was just having a bad day and took it out by glaring at you. She could have done worse.


Way to try to get first. Honestly, no one gives a flying ****.

Acousticpixie14 6

Exactly. What's with the 14 year old maturity level on here?

I don't get it. He was just the first to comment. Calm Down

omgzzzss im mad cuz someone got me to first post by typing 'oh'

#8 - If nobody cares about if I'm first or not, then why do you? Why can't you just ignore the comment and get on with your life? Quite honestly I didn't even know I was first as I was posting from the app which updates very infrequently. I did not feel the need to come up with some witty reply simply due to the fact that this really is not that much of an fml in my opinion. What I don't understand is why a simple two-letter expression has gotten you so enraged..

Where are you reading rage? Mild annoyance at another ******* hastily typing a useless comment in order to secure the first position, yes but rage? I don't see it.

Christ, I wish I could put you people on virtual mute sometimes.

37, you clearly typed that just so you would -be- first. Did you not have anything more of value to say? That was a pointless post as I'm sure you can admit and it had nothing to do with the FML. That's the point these people are trying to get across to you.

There's no reason to get angry or annoyed for that matter. So he was #1, who cares? There always has to be a first comment and whether it's thoughtful or not, it should not affect you anymore than the rest of the comments.

TheDrifter 23

Lol Sirin, speaking of mutes... way to relate as you berate.

Your comment makes perfect sense to me. I don't get why everyone is so crabby about it. Sheesh...

Susieee_Q 9

It's a first comment. I honestly don't see any real evidence that they were trying to be first. It's not "clear", Steff, it's assumption. So they were first. Move on.

freebird92 0

People seem to be really upset that u were the first to comment. lol. so what?? big deal. if I were the first one to comment "oh" would be the ideal thing to say. this isn't even an fml. so I get where your coming from.

mr_miyagi 0

haha thats funny! But op - that's why you should go around

forestqueenie 0

oh god! lmfao, I wish I coulda seems what they signed, I'm learning to be an interpreter for the deaf and hard of hearing

they weren't but pushing through wasn't exactly the most appropriate thing to do. they could've tapped the person on the shoulder or chosen a different aisle to avoid the block.

Actually, the polite thing to do is just walk between them. They're used to moving their heads to look past you. The rude thing is to stand there staring at them waiting for them to notice you and interrupt their conversation to let you pass. Staring a deaf people while they're signing is like eavesdropping.

sublime420 11

Its no more eavesdropping than it would be if i listened to two people speaking chinese. (hint: I dont speak chinese.)

I dislike how people say ydi because the girl was deaf he didn't know and you guys would most likely do the same thing

Dirtbikerchick 4

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As in they're deaf and speaking Sign Language.

sourgirl101 28

Show her you know sign language too by showing her your middle finger. JK I hate people that block the aisles. But a tap on the shoulder could have allowed you to make your point other than shoving her out of the way. What did you expect?

hwkfan1 10

And apparently "u" can't speak English.

toughchick14 15

You know sign language for deaf people.

perdix 29

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hmmmph. now this plumpa humpa wouldn't happen to be related to a umpa lumpa would he?

glamourgigi2741 0

Don't say that u don't have to make every thing innaproriate

You could have tapped on her shoulder. Just shoving past someone is very rude.

my thoughts exactly. I'm deaf and if someone shoved past me they would be feeling a bit sore!

I agree, but it's also very rude to block an entire aisle without giving a thought to the other shoppers who might need to get past you. Especially if you know you won't be able to hear someone asking you to move.

mintcar 9

WTF? Why didn't you just find another way to get down the aisle?

you could have gone down the next one, since they tend to run parallel to each other...

CumShott 0

um, when you think your being ignored and can't get through you don't turn around and go down another isle. most people get upset first so I kinda understand.

Ive been in this situation many times and I've always gone around. Glad I'm not most people.

Acousticpixie14 6

I'm torn between pitying you and being angry with you. People in grocery stores are so rude. I'm 9 months pregnant and was getting the last few things I need before my son gets here. Well the Target in my town made their aisles more narrow so I just barely fit through alone. Well some lady sat and just stared at me for a while and made me really uncomfortable and then just walked right up close to me, causing me to back away. She did this until I'd backed out of the aisle almost completely and then shoved me out of the way. Seriously? Who shoves a pregnant lady? On the other could have tried to tap her on the shoulder or backed out of the aisle and gone down the next one. There's always a way to maneuver around people. I do think it was rude of her to be glaring at you. If I were deaf, I'd understand that you probably assumed she heard you. But who knows? Maybe she was just having a bad day and took it out by glaring at you. She could have done worse.

glamourgigi2741 0

Wait srsly? Shoved you away? Who even tf does that to a person, let alone pregnant person? These people pmg...

UpsidedownKayak 9

Where is Ludacris? You saw him? Which way did he go? Did you get his autograph? Did you get a picture with him? Or did you mean ludicrous?

Agreed. If I could just offer my 50 cent, it might have been best to go down another aisle to get what you needed, OP.

SirEBC 7

I didn't think anyone would get the reference, and I definitely didn't think anyone would think it was unintentional if they actually did. "Move, bitch, get out the way, get out the way bitch get out the way."

sourgirl101 28

Speaking of Ludacris. Has any one seen him featuring in "My Darkest Hour's- **** Star Dance" video? It's half naked girls dancing. I guess it's too risqué for YouTube to play.