By Sickasadog - 06/02/2017 16:00 - United States

Today, I painted my daughter's room with the new paint we bought. It's an oil-based paint which hides all blemishes on the wall, but apparently makes me sick. I'm now throwing up everywhere, but at least the room looks good. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 757
You deserved it 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cootiequeen4444 11

It's the fumes from the painting. a common complaint from painting with oil paints is the super overwhelming fumes. Another is that it has a tendency to crack over time. So if the experience was that terrible just deal with having to paint multiple coats than deal with the noxiousness and possibility of having to repaint sooner if using oil.

Well, it's a good thing that it's done, you'll get better eventually and the wall will remain looking good. Sorry about your sickness!


cootiequeen4444 11

It's the fumes from the painting. a common complaint from painting with oil paints is the super overwhelming fumes. Another is that it has a tendency to crack over time. So if the experience was that terrible just deal with having to paint multiple coats than deal with the noxiousness and possibility of having to repaint sooner if using oil.

I've always preferred working with latex paints... didn't even know about the cracking.

Kids peel latex paints, off the walls..

Well, it's a good thing that it's done, you'll get better eventually and the wall will remain looking good. Sorry about your sickness!

At least your daughter isn't going to have to post a "Keep Out!" sign.

This is my post. My daughters are 2&3 years old. My 2 year old is extremely destructive and pulled all the wallpaper off and exposed the drywall. Tired of constantly painting over it and still seeing through I got this oil based one to cover everything. My mistake was not opening the window while painting. After airing out for a few hours everything was good. Now I'm sick again but this time it's the flu ?

jcash52426 5

I guess you could be allergic to the fumes. Just curious did you open the windows to allow fresh air into the room. Otherwise I'm not sure why you got sick. Feel better.

cheshireau 26