By Anonymous - 20/01/2011 19:34 - United States

Today, I was shopping at Walmart, when a large lady and her friend blocked the aisle I was trying to go down. After saying, "Excuse me," twice and being ignored, I pushed my way through. After getting past, I looked back and noticed she was glaring at me while signing to her friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 158
You deserved it 13 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because they're deaf doesn't mean they need to block the damn aisle. I don't know how they expected you to guess they couldn't hear you.

Acousticpixie14 6

I'm torn between pitying you and being angry with you. People in grocery stores are so rude. I'm 9 months pregnant and was getting the last few things I need before my son gets here. Well the Target in my town made their aisles more narrow so I just barely fit through alone. Well some lady sat and just stared at me for a while and made me really uncomfortable and then just walked right up close to me, causing me to back away. She did this until I'd backed out of the aisle almost completely and then shoved me out of the way. Seriously? Who shoves a pregnant lady? On the other could have tried to tap her on the shoulder or backed out of the aisle and gone down the next one. There's always a way to maneuver around people. I do think it was rude of her to be glaring at you. If I were deaf, I'd understand that you probably assumed she heard you. But who knows? Maybe she was just having a bad day and took it out by glaring at you. She could have done worse.


I don't understand how this is his fault.... granted he could have just went up another aisle.... but at the same time, they weren't wearing a sign or anything... it can be difficult to tell...

I am sure the friend would of seen you trying to get through? because they would need to stand face to face, right? I hate people that block the aisle, they must realise other people are shopping and need to get through. why can't they stand and chat else where? Is that so hard?

fiveonefiveoh 0

y don't u try tapping before shoving??

jckbco 0

a fat person at walmart? what ate the odds? DO NOT SUPPORT WALMART PEOPLE -- Google it if you can't figure out why

ReginalUT 0

Who gives a shot deaf or not people should not block the aisle.

They can get glad the same way they got mad.

So...because they were large you were annoyed? Are you saying if they'd have been sticks you wouldn't have cared? Because skinny people can block aisles too; I've seen it happen. Walmart aisles are very narrow to begin with; skinny people can easily block aisles, if not with their bodies then with their carts. And shoving through was both immature and stupid. Sure they were rude to ignore you but you could have just gone around like a normal person would have. YDI

First of all only one woman was described as large so there's no need to even go into the whole 'OMG you hate fat ppl thing'. Second blocking with carts isn't nearly as bad. Pushing a cart out of the way is hardly as personal as touching another human as you move through. Normal people don't go 50ft out of their way to accommodate inconsiderate people.

Who the **** would do that? Anyway, what did the woman expect? To slap her face to get her attention? - even if you knew she was deaf, what woudl you do? I'd push.

I would. Attempting to talk to people isn't worth it.

Not your fault. They shouldn't have been blocking the path if they are deaf and cannot hear anyone say excuse me. Good for you for pushing through. If only you knew how to sign to tell them off about how they are blocking the aisle.