Parent #1 of the Year

By no i'm sure you're a responsible parent - 09/04/2020 02:00 - United States

Today, I got bitched out by some lady in a Walmart because I looked at her funny while she was on the phone, loudly bragging about "slapping the shit out of" her kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 644
You deserved it 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Maybe you want some of that? Maybe you wanna piece of me? Huh, punk?" Don't forget the rules of Wal-Mart. Don't stare. No eye contact.

TrashlifeKaylala 12


"Maybe you want some of that? Maybe you wanna piece of me? Huh, punk?" Don't forget the rules of Wal-Mart. Don't stare. No eye contact.

Maybe she looked at you funny because you should have been in quarantine. Come to think of it, she should have been in quarantine too

TrashlifeKaylala 12