By touched - 10/02/2009 11:30 - Philippines

Today, on the crowded train, a cute guy called me over and told me to stand next to him because there were less people there. We started talking, but he left before I could get his number. Just when I was about to tell my friends about it, I find out that he stole my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 395
You deserved it 5 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm maybe it was just karma from stealing KiloLima01's phone? "Today, I met a really hot chick while waiting for the bus. We spoke for 4 hours till we got to our destination. She hugged me and we parted ways. Later that day I realised she stole my phone. FML #803 (14) - 01/07/2009 at 10:59pm by KiloLima01 - love - I agree, your life is f***ed (2296) - you deserved that one (226)"


Hmmm maybe it was just karma from stealing KiloLima01's phone? "Today, I met a really hot chick while waiting for the bus. We spoke for 4 hours till we got to our destination. She hugged me and we parted ways. Later that day I realised she stole my phone. FML #803 (14) - 01/07/2009 at 10:59pm by KiloLima01 - love - I agree, your life is f***ed (2296) - you deserved that one (226)"

jdortega 2

I thought the exact same thing lol

mwali02 32

Australia to Brazil... Maybe a little far apart to be stealing phones each other's phones... :)

xsydbabyx 0

Well after you get a new phone, you now know the 'cute guys' number. Score4both.

PimpdaddyCJT 13

#14 the girl on the rights hot

#14's an idiot. Phones cost money. #11's right, you're probably a loser with a rancid ******. Your friends have better things to hear about than some guy who stole your phone. I have to congratulate this guy though. He seems very intelligent.

Call yur phone and say "gimme my phone u ass"

16. instead of saying ass say u owe me a date now!!! rofl. (I'm guessing the girl was not atractive other wise he would not have thought he could take asvatage of her)

call ur phone and then he will pick up and ask him for his # and frigging address so u can hunt ur phone down XD

I don't think he would answer the phone tho. if he stole it he wouldn't wanna talk to anyone op knows :/

I know this is late, but, I've seen OP everywhere, what does it mean?

OP means the creator of the FML the one who typed it