By Anonymous - 29/07/2013 21:18 - United States

Today, I was reading in my apartment. Due to a heatwave and my lack of AC, I was completely naked. My cat jumped onto my lap, and as her claws dug into my stomach, I recoiled. This caused her to retreat, clawing at my nether regions in the process. My pussy mauled my pussy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 787
You deserved it 12 892

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

For your sake, I hope your boyfriend has a similar encounter with his rooster, y'know, so you can convalesce together. If he doesn't have a rooster and you still want to entertain him, don't go near your donkey ;)

Damn! Sometimes I have-- 69 BOYZ singing. . . "Let me ride that donkey donkey Let me ride that donkey donkey" (I even hear it in my sleep.)

I actually tensed up down there when I read this! Meeoouch!

AppleJuiceBox 10

Are you kitten me right meow?? All puns aside, that makes me cringe just thinking about it. FYL, OP.

Well, I'm not a doctor but I'll still take a look. :P

Your cat has gotten farther than I have, so you should give him a high-5. Seriously though, FYL. I dont even want to begin to imagine how than feels

I started reading this as if u were a guy and you turn out to be a girl.......awkward

After that hairy situation did you try to calm your pussy? I'm purrty sure petting and caressing does wonders.

Lol, I doubt a pair of underwear would've made you much hotter; at least now you know for next time!

and i doubt that a pair of underwear alone would have stopped cat claws from getting through.

rastaams457 6

One of the many reasons I'm not a cat person