By TehUglyLife - 29/07/2013 19:11 - United States - Jacksonville Beach

Today, I tried to help a bird who had broken his wing. I walked straight into a door while looking down at him in my hands, and ended up all but breaking his other wing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 907
You deserved it 14 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could just see it now, "Today, a human tried to help me recover from a broken wing, but the idiot walked straight into a door with me still in its hands, breaking my other wing. FML"


ILoveMyArm 15

@11 Wow, another comment complaining about a comment! Those are rare.

#21- Almost as rare a comments complaining about comments complaining about comments......


Second comment.. My life goal is complete

You must have a sad life if that's your life goal.

Well I thought it was first comment before I refreshed it, but then I couldn't delete it..

I could just see it now, "Today, a human tried to help me recover from a broken wing, but the idiot walked straight into a door with me still in its hands, breaking my other wing. FML"

hcollins1 18

Well 19, with both of its wings broken, it would be hard for the bird to write the FML haha

#19 and #44 I think when OP says all but breaking its other wing they really mean that the bird broke everything BUT its other wing.

#61, sorry to be a grammar nazi here but 'all but breaking his other wing' has a different meaning to 'breaking all but his other wing'. The phrase 'all but' in the former sentence means 'very nearly' or 'for all intents and purposes' while in the latter it means 'all except'. Repeat apology for being a grammar nazi ><

Thanks 63! I've always understood the phrase but it's never been explained so clearly and that made my understanding of it that much better. :)

You're welcome cmayer :D in fact both 'all buts' really have the same meaning ('all except') - imagine the sentence reworded as 'the bird's wing was all but broken' -> the bird's wing was battered/bruised/shattered, everything except actually broken. 'all but breaking the bird's wing' is the exact same phrase, just a re-ordering of the words. Why am I going on about this so in-depth? *flees*

DenBriZel 31

More like eff the birds life. Poor little guy. Well, at least you were trying to help!

Wizardo 33

Well it just looks like it will need more help and less glass doors...

Damian95 16

At least OP was trying to do the right thing. Its the thought that counts....right?

daringtoride 27

Aw, poor bird! :( I hope you took it to the vet and it turned out okay, OP.

firstbasemaster 15

Well it sounds like your pretty clumsy

You're*. Sounds like you're pretty clumsy. And he is. He walked into a glass door. :)

Imhere4fml 24

She, she walked into a glass door. :)

Did I miss the part where the door was deemed to be made of glass, or...

I really don't know what to say. It's good you tried to help. It's nice to see that in this day and age

AppleJuiceBox 10

On the bright side, you can help mend its other wing as well. Just watch out for doors.