By Anonymous - 29/07/2013 21:18 - United States

Today, I was reading in my apartment. Due to a heatwave and my lack of AC, I was completely naked. My cat jumped onto my lap, and as her claws dug into my stomach, I recoiled. This caused her to retreat, clawing at my nether regions in the process. My pussy mauled my pussy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 787
You deserved it 12 892

Same thing different taste


oddball1972 10
Epikouros 31

Ah, maybe this explains why I see so many masochists post cat pictures on Fetlife.

Makes me think of David Bowie: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and puss to pussy. We know AC's for wussies.

BrianaKoala 7

Once my dog scratched me INSIDE my nostril. It was annoying. That must have stung like hell!! :(

alexlam24 3

On the bright side we know you're lesbian now

I am waiting for someone making a cat fight joke

Well someone bring out the saucer of milk. Seems like we have a turf war on our hands.... Sorry to hear OP. What a waste of an encounter with an very dormant species of our planet. The trouser cat.Hope your back in good health soon. Next time fight back. Claws and all.