By luckygirl - 14/12/2009 09:05 - United States

Today, I was hit on by a guy who decided to use the line, "My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 977
You deserved it 4 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least that's a line which will never be overused.

SSC_fml 0

Hey, it's original, props to the person who said it :)


Tell him to hurry to the bathroom before he get his love all over his pants.

Your eyes are so blue, like the water in my toilet! You're so hot, you're gonna melt The elastic in my underwear Awesome song, you should see Weird Al sing it live, he dresses like a pimp and crawls over all the women in the audience singing it right in their faces, it's hilarious!

I was Al's Beef Burrito in concert once...heehee

He pointed at me and said I smelled like Fritos! :D

HAHAHAH i would have laughed so hard if someone said that to me LOL

2npac 0

artistssunshine- wow congratulations u ****** stalker!

Mmm.. Hot, wet, steaming luuurve.. Just the way you like it.

How bout my love for you is like busting a nut, I can't hold it in.

romance and bowel movements, gosh how romantic ♥