By Anonymous - 31/01/2017 16:00 - United States - Rochester

Today, as I listened to the guy I've been seeing pour his heart out to me, all I could think about was how much I needed to poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 726
You deserved it 1 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AirBusDriver 23

He couldn't see that you were full of shit?

Pretty sure the concern is over the fact that the guy was openly declaring major feelings, and OP couldn't bring themselves to focus on that. As in it may be an issue in terms of how far the relationship will go if OP has trouble being interested in what the guy has to say.


jcash52426 5

I don't think he or anyone would give you a hard time if you said please excuse me I have to use the restroom.

Pretty sure the concern is over the fact that the guy was openly declaring major feelings, and OP couldn't bring themselves to focus on that. As in it may be an issue in terms of how far the relationship will go if OP has trouble being interested in what the guy has to say.

jcash52426 5

Right can if she went tithe bathroom then she can listen to her crush. Which is why I said she should excuse herself to the bathroom!

It's entirely possible that OP just needed to poop so badly that they couldn't concentrate on anything else at all.

Varieus 30

His opening up might have been regards to something else in his life, nonetheless if it is a common occurrence that OP cannot concentrate on him opening up etc... OP should reconsider the relationship, or ways to fix it. Communication is key.

Even IF OP were super devoted to this relationship "excuse me, I need to use the bathroom" during a major confession of love is at this point a cliched sitcom-esque means of escape/rejection and the boyfriend would probably view it that way.

It's hard to concentrate when you really have to go badly.

umm yes he would think that he didnt wabt what he wanted

He wanted to let it all out, and apparently so did you.

nitrog100 21

You probably looked really uncomfortable, so you should probably explain that to him. I had something somewhat similar happen to me. I was on a first date, and the restaurant was only a little over a mile away, so I decided to walk there. By the time I got there, I kind of had to go to the bathroom, but I was also about 6 minutes late, so I decided to just sit down instead of heading for the bathroom. Two hours and three glasses of water later, I was about ready to pop. When I asked her out on a second date, she told me that she thought she had scared me off because I looked so uncomfortable while she was telling a personal story.

Sintamuel Fontenot 1
Sintamuel Fontenot 1

he probably interpreted your constipated, distressed look for a look of concern and sympathy. it happens.

So he was pouring out his heart while you wanted to pour out your colon?