By public pooper - 25/04/2013 00:16 - United States

Today, I was hanging out with a guy I really like. I let him use my phone, forgetting about the messages I'd sent about the consistency of my bowel movements. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 400
You deserved it 15 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

simplysarcastics 26

Well he shouldn't be reading someones messages anyway. I dislike nosy people. Besides everyone has bowel issues every now and then...

Who were you sending messages to about your bowel movements? O_o


simplysarcastics 26

Well he shouldn't be reading someones messages anyway. I dislike nosy people. Besides everyone has bowel issues every now and then...

Epikouros 31

You're right, he shouldn't be nosy. And everybody has bowel movements, but most people have the decency not to send texts about them. I'm a pig with IBS and I don't even tell anybody - wait, I gotta run.

Who were you sending messages to about your bowel movements? O_o

oj101 33
xStaciexLynnx 15

You text your doctor? Dang, I need to get in with mine like that. I bet I'd get my test results much faster.

kaybee41906 13

I don't think it's weird at all if the messages were for her parents. I have a lot of digestive problems and I often end up texting my parents about it.

KyraJFoxx 14

Just hope he didn't go through your messages OP. If he hasn't cracked any jokes or mysteriously vanished on you by now than he probably didn't even see the messages. That or he's respective and doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. & if that's the case , you've got nothing to worry about..If it helps

He's a guy, if he's immature he'll think it's funny if he's mature he'll understand either way there's a pretty good chance he didn't read the messages anyways...

upallnight11 19

Lets hope he didn't read your messages. He shouldn't anyways.

Why would everything have to be attractive? I don't think you're so attrtactive when you take a shit.

well depending on the man, you just sealed the deal!

Because girls don't poop bro! At least not til you've moved in together! (Acknowledging not condoning a social relationship trend)