Old fashioned

By Anonymous - 11/04/2022 02:00

Today, my dad, who lives a billion miles away in Japan, somehow found out I’ve been indulging my bisexual curiosity while at university, and because he doesn’t like technology, sent me a handwritten letter that took like a month to get here, disowning me until I return to being straight only. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 186
You deserved it 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess that’s why it takes a month for a handwritten letter to get there, since I guess the postal service is…uh, surprisingly efficient in space.

just claim you never received it. burn it and act clueless.


Are you writing from Saturn? Japan is at most 12500 miles away any point on Earth.

I guess that’s why it takes a month for a handwritten letter to get there, since I guess the postal service is…uh, surprisingly efficient in space.

I think you are going to be facing bigger problems with Dad than the speed of his communications, though I understand that now you have received the news belatedly and Dad may or may not still be thinking that way (but probably he is if we are honest). I strongly believe in the process of finding yourself as you grow up and living an authentic life on your terms. But as you are no doubt aware, you are dependent on Dad (and I assume Mom’s) financial support while you are in college. You might be able to change Dad’s mind, but the experience of others says that may or may not ever happen. To be honest, it would have been easier if you had somehow avoided this revelation until you were through college and not financially dependent on Mom and Dad. Many parents eventually come to see their child with love whatever their orientation, but some are too culturally bound to a specific narrative to deal with news like this. I don’t know what to tell you. Part of me says stay undercover a couple or more years longer until you have a job and a career would be the easy road - But dad will be watching… Another part of me says that you were going to have to confront this issue sooner or later - but you are especially financially vulnerable now, of course. To be honest, while social life development and exploration of who you are is important at this stage - but getting an education and starting a career are really the most important thing you should be focusing on.

just claim you never received it. burn it and act clueless.

Not having received it wouldn't change the fact OP got disowned, though.

The real question is how did he find out? I'd say just claim you are/are returning to being straight and look into clearing it up as time goes by but he did somehow get that info you so that might not be viable...