By Amberain - 16/08/2012 15:16 - United Kingdom - Widnes

Today, I was enjoying a romantic cuddle on the couch with my boyfriend, when he suddenly decided to lift up my shirt, stick his face into my boobs, and go all Darth Vader on me. This included heavy breathing and phrases such as, "Amber... I am your boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 334
You deserved it 7 077

Same thing different taste


CallMeMcFeelii 13

4- I always hear women want their men to be more spontaneous. But yet they complain when we do something like this? I say you could of turned that into one crazy role playing session.

wifeyHo2011 1

Aww that's adorable , he's just trying to hav fun. Lighten up sweetie

I like your boyfriend's taste in humor, Op.

paijus 0

That is hilarious. You must hate star wars :O

Ixi_the_pixie 11

Is he single now? If yes then i'll take him! If not forget I ever posted this and marry that man.

I didn't know what to vote this because what your boyfriend did was cute not FML worthy! And btw my name is amber to. :D