By Anonymous - 17/11/2016 03:39 - Australia - Cardiff

Today, upon applying for a new job to leave my old crappy job I was informed by my new potential employer that he was unable to hire me because he is friends with my current boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 001
You deserved it 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should tell your potential boss that you have a friend too, and then pull out a gun, adding "See?" Then kiss the gun, so he knows it's really your friend and you're not being threatening. Then hit him with the gun.

I really want to see if his employers handbook says, "do not hire a potential employer if his/her current employer is my friend." Unless your boss told his friend that you're not a good employee-and it's actually true, you don't want to work for someone who doesn't hire a potentially great employee solely on being friends with someone.


Unable to hire you? More like unable to stop being a wimp and stand up to his friends. Sorry OP.

stevenJB 25

sounds like they both have it out for ya. I hope you still got your job and able to apply for something else. What are the chances, huh?

friedpwnadge 25

Start your own business, become friends with both of their bosses, then wait for one of them to get fired, then deny their application to your business because you're friends with their boss.

I really want to see if his employers handbook says, "do not hire a potential employer if his/her current employer is my friend." Unless your boss told his friend that you're not a good employee-and it's actually true, you don't want to work for someone who doesn't hire a potentially great employee solely on being friends with someone.

I hope you get to keep the crappy job and that the douche doesn't blab it to his friend that you tried to escape.

You should tell your potential boss that you have a friend too, and then pull out a gun, adding "See?" Then kiss the gun, so he knows it's really your friend and you're not being threatening. Then hit him with the gun.

cootiequeen4444 11

I've always wanted to bitch slap someone with a gun... is that weird? hmm... yeah... that IS weird isn't it? :/

Well, Australian a has tough gun laws so at least that will land OP in jail with free food and accommodation, so no need to work. Having said that, a criminal record won't help finding a new job after he gets out.

TECHNICALLY he can't do that. But since it's his company I suppose he can. that blows OP

Australia must be a backwards place indeed if they let businesses make their own laws.

species4872 19

#12 yeah we just got electricity in the big city too, wanker.

That's utterly ridiculous! The only way this would be legal is if you signed a " Non -Compete disclosure" which would limit you from working for the competiton. If your a great employee & would be a great asset to the company then they have a different agenda here.

That's rough, a lot of people don't get that a degree is just a piece of paper that doesn't mean much unless you network with people of position in your field whilst you're still in school and to diversify their résumé. I'm a sophomore in college and I already have an entry position in law and already signed on to a firm as a partner once I get my degree. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Best of luck.