By Amberain - 16/08/2012 15:16 - United Kingdom - Widnes

Today, I was enjoying a romantic cuddle on the couch with my boyfriend, when he suddenly decided to lift up my shirt, stick his face into my boobs, and go all Darth Vader on me. This included heavy breathing and phrases such as, "Amber... I am your boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 334
You deserved it 7 077

Same thing different taste


Your boyfriend's kinda nerdy but I don't really see the problem, unless your name isn't Amber...

glamorous18 10

lol that's actually kinda cute haha

You and the Chewbacca FML girl should double date, I bet your boyfriends would get along great.

domlikeabla 10

Whats wrong with that u probably have nice boobs so he's showing u that he appreshiats them.

georlenez 8

Oh my gosh, I wish my boyfriend did this. Haha.