Sorry honey

By Anonymous - 30/11/2022 00:00

Today, my boyfriend and I get along very well, but I’m not used to being extremely close to somebody. Every time we are together, I always somehow manage to elbow him in the balls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 635
You deserved it 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Find a shorter boyfriend. An accidental elbow to the gut or the chest is tolerable. But don't go so short you elbow the poor midget in the face. Or. If I might go out on a limb... Learn to control your ******* elbows!


That’s a problem that will solve itself. Sooner or later boyfriend will get the hint and move on to someone less prone to elbowing him in the nuts… I am no psychologist, but I suspect that the repeated incidents are not exactly “accidents”. For some reason as OP suggested they are uncomfortable with having anyone close and she’s probably doing it unconsciously, but at some level intentionally… OP, you may need professional counseling to deal with an underlying problem. Perhaps you are excessively defensive of personal space in a context where this is not usually the case. Or perhaps you were attracted to someone who doesn’t respect your personal space. Or finally, maybe OP is simply very young and new to the concept of dating, closeness, and “sweethearts”. In that case you will probably outgrow this awkwardness and figure out how to navigate the closeness issues.

The jockstrap will certainly help until then.

You need to put the cup in the jockstrap for protection. The jockstrap alone is just like a bra for the male junk.

Find a shorter boyfriend. An accidental elbow to the gut or the chest is tolerable. But don't go so short you elbow the poor midget in the face. Or. If I might go out on a limb... Learn to control your ******* elbows!