By byebyeromance - 26/08/2014 01:03 - United States - State College

Today, I was cuddling my boyfriend before going to bed. He farted really loud and spat in my face as he laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 308
You deserved it 5 070

Same thing different taste

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It's 4am, so tired I didn't notice it say when HE laughed I kinda skimmed the FML and read it as "I laughed". Thought OP was laughing at her boyfriend farting and then he got mad and spit on her. Well thanks for clearing that up.

He spit on her while he was laughing...say it don't spray it type of thing.


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He spit on her while he was laughing...say it don't spray it type of thing.

It's 4am, so tired I didn't notice it say when HE laughed I kinda skimmed the FML and read it as "I laughed". Thought OP was laughing at her boyfriend farting and then he got mad and spit on her. Well thanks for clearing that up.

octinate 17

At least he didn't fart during sex!

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Well I don't think it's reasonable to break up with someone because they farted. She also really shouldn't break up with him because he spit on her because that was an accident...

People fart dude. It's not a deal breaker to fart or accidentally spit a little when you laugh. Smh

You would break up with someone over a fart? That's ridiculous and harsh. Have fun being single forever

Wow, people on FML are always so quick to tell the OP to divorce or break up with someone.

Octwo 16

Pretty sure she was referring to him acting like a two year old, not because he farted.

All he did was laugh. Sometimes situationally farts are funny. It can be a little irritating when someone gleeks (sp?) on you but I don't think that automatically means he was acting like a two-year-old.

People view romance in different ways. Your boyfriend views it through a 5-year-old's filter :P

I hope it was he laughed so hard that some spit "accidentally" came out if his mouth and hit the OP and not how many people will interpret this FML as him clear his throat phlegm. Kinda like talking too close to a splitter. :P

Nope, I'm sure everyone interpreted correctly.

Nope, I'm pretty sure #8 is right. Who the hell would spit in someone's face on purpose?

**** him hard!! let him feel your nice juicy nipples and that smooth ****** of yours omfg my friend just wrote that

Mad_Or_Nah 13

Time to find someone who respects you more

Mad_Or_Nah 13

He probably had one slip,since when is farting a sign of no respect,its a natural process of the body.

Not romantic, and finds it funny to fart in front of his gf. Sorry OP you can do better.

What are they suppose to do if they ever live together? Not ever fart? That causes stomach pains, not worth it. Or leave the room every time he has too fart? That would get annoying. I understand the whole romance thing, but it happens. Time to get out of fantasy land