By secretdoll - 09/11/2010 07:51 - United States

Today, I was eating at a Mexican restaurant with my sister. I was happily biting into a burrito, when I saw a man in his car in the restaurant parking lot, staring at us and jacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 636
You deserved it 3 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knibbsy 4

I hope you waved! Nothing would kill his boner like doing the opposite of what he expects. Actually, you should have held up your hand up to the window and spaced your index finger and thumb about 2 inches apart, to indicate that he has a tiny little penis. Do that while laughing.


That is so sick! There are too many uncle pervs in the world!

iamchuck 0

Were you biting the burrito, or stuffing the whole damn thing down your throat?

funzcpl 0

oh that's sooooo gross! bet ya never enjoy a burrito the same again

monkeygrrlee 0

Eww! I remember when I was 4 my 8 year old cousin would watch me eat bananas (I <3d them) and jack off. He tried to put his cum on one of the bananas once... *shudder*

beanstar11 5

that's enough to turn me off bananas for a long time :/

sourgirl101 28

Oh my Lord! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I've always broken my banana in pieces when I'm eating them, just because I'm afraid of people like your cousin being a perv.

EvilDave 13

I do not believe your story because you state he was 8yo and boys that young haven't developed enough to find that kind of thing erotic let alone ejaculate.

not entirely true. I knew an 8 year old boy that had sex

EvilDave 13

While physically capable of having an erection, pre-pubescent male are physically unable to ejaculate because they do not generate anything to ejaculate. All that starts when puberty hits. And, from the psychology articles I have read, 8 year old children do not have sexual thoughts of that caliber nor do they associate an act such as eating a banana with a sexual act.

ksummerville91_fml 0

and from the paychology courses i have taken i can say they dont act sexually unless they have been exposed to it from people around them, tv, movies, ect...

What the ****? If this is actually serious, I hope he got some very serious help.

Yuck. FYL. I personally wouldn't have been able to finish my meal.

props for being able to even look at food after that op (Y)

That's hot!{ ; Why don't you ask him for some sour cream?

that's where you need to chuck a burrito at him!!! I apologize for you being that attractive, but apparently some guys just can't handle themselves.

No, I think the problem was that he was handling himself.