Jesus wept

By Anonymous - 11/12/2021 02:01

Today, my mom threatened to kick me out for asking if I could skip church for the next few weeks, because, you know, I have Covid and have been told to isolate for ten days, which obviously includes two Sundays. The woman would rather I infect her congregation than let me stay in bed while sick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 581
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not obvious that a ten day isolation includes two Sundays. If the first day is a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, a ten-day quarantine would only span one Sunday. Tell your mom she's welcome for my mathematical prowess.

Jon Tessler 14

she's gonna pray your disease away.


It's not obvious that a ten day isolation includes two Sundays. If the first day is a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, a ten-day quarantine would only span one Sunday. Tell your mom she's welcome for my mathematical prowess.

@RichardPencil OP didn't say their mother claimed it would encompass 2 Sundays, OP did based on their situation. OP, sucks for you. Sounds like a moment when you will have to make a choice between your mother's wishes and yours. Best of luck.

Jon Tessler 14

she's gonna pray your disease away.

I would go, but wear a shirt saying “I have Covid but mom says I must attend church

And this is why we still have Covid. Because y’all are too selfish to stay in when you’re sick. Yes I know it’s the mom not the daughter. But if mom wasn’t selfish then kid would not spread it. Sounds like she did though.

the church has a priest. call hum, explain the situation and let him deal with your mother. if he still wants you to come do so, sit in the middle and politely cough every 3 minutes.