By MellyBee - 08/08/2012 03:15 - Canada - Montreal
MellyBee tells us more.
I'm happy to inform you #23 that the popsicles survived the accident, and many of them are already in my belly! ;-)
Top comments
The nice lady just went through the trouble of selling those to you and you went and freaked her out. That is MEAN
I didn't know people actually had to try and sell Popsicles nowadays, when I was a kid, I just saw Fred, Barney and Dino and I knew I wanted it.
Are the Popsicles ok?!?
Goodbye everyone I'm leaving fml! Have funnnnnnnnn Maaaakingg Lovellly comments!
She could've been mean for all you know.
Am I the only one who found this funny?
How the hell can one pull this off?
24, What you speak off is madness..... madness I tell you!!
what you speak off? hm... yknow I speak off all the time, it's actually one of my hobbies..
But how does one manage to do this? It takes some major coordination problems to hit yourself with a box in the face hard enough to make blood.
53, Op could be an easy bleeder
This was my FML... I'm really not an easy bleeder, that's the crazy part!
I can just imagine the scenario if OP went to the slammer... Cellmate #1: Awww damn, I wish I didn't kill my boss at work... Cellmate #2: Yeah... I wish I didn't rob that bank.... Cellmate #1: Say, Mellybee.... what happened to you? OP: It all started when I assaulted my own face with a box of Popsicles...
Woah... First time I've seen an OP respond... Hows that nose doin, OP? A better question is: How's that cashier doin?
First time I've seen an OP reply, too lol... My nose was pretty bruised and took days to fade, but overall I'm fine! And the cashier was awake by the time I left the store, so I'm assuming she's fine as well. :)
Whoa, I never have saw an op comment on there own fml!
I don't blame the cashier. Every time I see blood I get queazy as shit. I guess calling security is going a bit overboard though.
Could've been an automatic kinda thing, OR the people who watch the security cams actually DO watch it and are able to contact local security in order to engage/ restrain suspect/ threat
cant see blood, yet you like hockey. and the canucks.
The canucks cant win a ****** cup
40 - kewl story breaweh. No one cares what you think about something that has nothing to do with the FML.
Blood. Sometimes it sets my teeth on edge, other times it helps me control the chaos.
73 - "Laughing my f-ing skin off"?
81- SHIT, where's Doc when you need him!
How aggressively do you pack Popsicles?!
OP really likes to stuff it in.
I used to be a great shopper like you... until I took a popsicle to the nose.
Bagging is an "away from the face" motion, not towards.
I don't really think that when I'm bagging groceries. 'Oh, let me remember to do this away from my face.' I don't blame OP. Casualties happen all the time.
Your profile picture matches your comment perfectly
But how would you even do this to begin with!?
I bet as you were being dragged away by security, some pedophile came by and stole the popsicles too.
One has to be a pedophile to steal Popsicles now?
Maybe it was Herbert. His Popsicle stash does get low every now and then.
That isn't funny. My little brother was taken and thank god the police found him a month later. He has emotional ( and physical ) scars that will last him a lifetime. Jokes like yours aren't helping.
They called security? That seems overly harsh. I'd be giving them a piece of my mind about that.
Haha lol
doesn't the cashier bag the groceries for you?
They do things differently in Canada. I mean for god sake, their milk comes in BAGS! BAGS!!!!
yes but there's no cashier at self checkouts. just people monitoring them. I can understand Canada being different though.
Wait? We get milk in bags?! How the **** did I miss that? And yeah, some stores bag them for you, others don't.
They put milk in bags in China aswell.
Usually for us the cashier charges the grocies thens sends them done a conveyor belt, with bags. There you bag them.
25) DAFUQ??? Everything I know is wrong! Up is down, right is left and short is long! And everything I ever thought was so important doesn't really matter!
25 - I live in California and in my elementary school they would give us milk in bags. I would hate it because in order to drink it you have to use a straw to poke it in. I would always pop it and it would end up spilling. How can they trust children with milk in bags?
25-milk only comes in bags on the east coast as far as I've seen... I live in Alberta and I've only ever seen cartons :3
Not every province gets milk in bags...
At superstore you have to do it yourself.

How aggressively do you pack Popsicles?!
Well at least you have something cold to put on your nose to keep it from swelling