By winneuse - 05/06/2015 02:30 - France - Allennes-les-marais

Today, for the first time since kindergarten, I won! I came first! Yes, I'm first on the waiting list for the M.A. degree I applied to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 446
You deserved it 50

Top comments

If you're on the waiting list for an MA, then I assume you already have a BA, which means you've already accomplished something of note.

Usually someone drops , hopefully that put you in the hot seat and you can finish getting learned .


Usually someone drops , hopefully that put you in the hot seat and you can finish getting learned .

nobody can be better off until making some worse

Getting learned really??? That's no where near proper English or being grammatically correct.

The fact that you haven't won anything since kindergarten is sad FYL OP

man shut up and say something encouraging stop ******** on people's days

This whole site revolves around people getting their days shit on.

This site's entire goal is for people that have had their day shat on.

mds9986 24

If you're first on a waiting list you will most likely get in, but be sure to plan ahead and apply to other programs.

CyberSeeker 20

Well at least u have a high chance of getting in if you're #1 on the list

Really good chance. OP is dumb as shit if he thinks it's a FML you are almost guaranteed to get in if you are first on the wait list. YDI but that's a good thing so congrats

Better than a flat out rejection, just sayin.

keep your head up OP it'll happen have some faith

If you're on the waiting list for an MA, then I assume you already have a BA, which means you've already accomplished something of note.