By Laundrylady - 18/08/2009 20:52 - United States

Today, I was at the laundromat doing my clothes when I noticed a cute guy next to me. I tried to be a ninja and sneak my sock into his basket so I could start a conversation with him. He saw me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 473
You deserved it 71 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the **** kind of conversation are you going to start with a sock in his basket? "Oh hey I accidentally put this sock in your basket my name is crazy bitch, its nice to meet you!"

Jacks_Penguin 0

YDI for not knowing how to start conversations without pulling stupid stunts.


I actually think this is really cute, and I reckon this would totally work on me :) If I was at a laundrette and I caught a girl slipping a sock into my basket and then she blushingly told me that she just wanted an excuse to talk to me, I think I'd probably melt a little. But I'm a girl, so possibly not OP's target audience.

i got a dirty sock for ya that'll make ya melt.

God damn you people are assholes, and bazookamooka your really super creepy. Get a ******* life people.

fire crotches kick ass. and im not just saying that because im a redhead. they do. ask anyone. ps, gods a ginger. he is. its in the bible. he appeared to moses as a "burning bush". think about it. burning. fire. bush. crotch. coincidence? no. god. the fire crotch. appeared to moses. case closed. gingers rock.

I haven't been on this the past couple of days so I would like to make a few things clear to some of you assholes out there: 1. I AM ASIAN 2. I did NOT use the term "ninja" to imply that I was LITERALLY acting like a ninja. My brother and I have used that term since we were little kids to mean "sneaky" 3. Not everybody has balls of steel and can just walk up to a cute guy and talk to him out of the blue. Kudos to those who can, but I'm not one of them ...And NO, it is not because I'm UGLY 4. I did not know what MLIA was and quite frankly, still do not see the point of it If there's ANYTHING ELSE you would like to critique about the way I talk or live my life, be my guest

mmmmmkay, chillax, girl. You do know that it seemed like an odd thing to say, right? No need to get all defensive and pissed off... I'm sorry I made fun of something you've been saying since you were a little kid. There are a lot of people out there who just say stuff like that because they think they're cool... And they're not...

But how the hell does it take more balls to acknowledge him than sneaking a sock in his basket? It's quite easy to get caught doing that, as you've demonstrated, and it's quite a deal more awkward when you are. .... And how the hell would sneaking a sock in his basket even register a conversation? He could have just taken off with your sock. Then what? And it'd be a rather obvious thing, too, that it wasn't an accident, even if you weren't caught. Let's assume the sock is something different from typical socks (rainbow? promotional?), so he'd notice right away, but now how would it have been physically possible for your sock to end up in his basket, other than you putting it there? If the boy wasn't bright enough to see that, he wouldn't be worth dating in my book. Unless your dryers were right next to each other, and you were just heaping out your socks so that they spilled everywhere, but I'm sure he'd then see that as you being a complete idiot. What you should have done was trip or "accidently" dump some of the basket somehow, and then he would help you pick up your socks, or he would at least notice you. Then you can just use how silly you are for tripping.

See, not being able to just talk to a guy really makes me think 'confidence issues.' Which sucks. Because most guys I've talked to, and most of my guy friends say that they'd rather just have a girl come out and talk to them, it's just so much easier than the back-and-forth-do-I-say-it?-Does-he-do-this?

unused, I've only seen this post from you, and I immediately find you annoying But of course, I'm not a guy, so it doesn't matter. Also, pimpin's point was towards wapanese and weeaboos.

Me_Levi 0

HAHAHA i just love the ninja part, if you didnt ad that then i would not have found that amusing.... so yeeeeaaahhhhhhh..... ha

elizanena9 0

that was ninja right there

elizanena9 0

haha! FAIL!!! props on the ninja attempt.