By Laundrylady - 18/08/2009 20:52 - United States

Today, I was at the laundromat doing my clothes when I noticed a cute guy next to me. I tried to be a ninja and sneak my sock into his basket so I could start a conversation with him. He saw me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 473
You deserved it 71 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the **** kind of conversation are you going to start with a sock in his basket? "Oh hey I accidentally put this sock in your basket my name is crazy bitch, its nice to meet you!"

Jacks_Penguin 0

YDI for not knowing how to start conversations without pulling stupid stunts.


That's a Fail....if you're seen while being Ninja....then maybe you shouldn't try that ever again and start an actual conversation

ninja fail. But +25cool points for trying

So , while I already said this before, I feel the need to repeat myself...what the hell is wrong with you people? serioiusly, For example, "YDI, retard. Just open your mouth and start a conversation using these things called WORDS." - deadite girl. Wow, does it make you feel better about yourself being a ******** to anonymous people on the internet? This is supposed to be a funny website...why do you feel the need to be a complete asshole to people? Why don't you face some of the issues that you clearly have and then maybe you can start treating people with some ******* decency and kindness you pricks.

If you agree with me, or even if you don't..come check me out ;) ME for Miss High Times 2010!!!!

G_tastic 0

omg this is one of the funniest things i have ever heard i my life, trying to be a ninja haha, but i comend you on having the nerves to do it but lol hahaha

YDI for even remotely trying to act like a ninja. A true ninja is cool enough to be talked to with socks & laundry baskests.