Alexa, play "Boredom" by Buzzcocks

By Anonymous - 19/10/2019 00:00 - New Zealand

Today, I'm ignored and bored so much at my dream job that I've started bringing in my fanfiction to write when no one is around. Which is 80% of the day. I'm training to be a civil engineer. My experience writing fanfiction should take me really far in my chosen career. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 293
You deserved it 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you need to ask your boss for another project or two and/or more responsibility....

Talk to some of the people around you, and connect with those that are interested in talking about the work. i know its hard, but you got this


Put some hot **** scenes in your engineering memos and reports and you'll soon be in the C-suite. Those things are so boring, your smut will give your coworkers a reason to live.

Talk to some of the people around you, and connect with those that are interested in talking about the work. i know its hard, but you got this

Sounds like you need to ask your boss for another project or two and/or more responsibility....

Mungolikecandy 19

It sounds like it is not actually your dream job...

Mathalamus 24

You get paid, right? So just go with it.

I’m a civil engineer in the US. At least here when you don’t have a full workload and your direct manager/supervisor hasn’t given you enough to do, you are expected to go find work from other project managers to fill in the gaps. If you think they aren’t noticing that you aren’t doing anything, you are wrong. Even if you are salary, someone at the company sees your timesheet and will notice that only 20% of your time is on billable work. It’s your career, you make it what you want it to be. Do you want to be the person who just sits there until someone else hands them something or do you want to be the person who takes charge of their career and is known to go out and help others around them?

Then is it your dream job? Ask for more work.

bobsanction 18

Instead of writing fanfiction, why not design, or engineer if you will, fan structures? You know, things you'd like to see around your area.

You're able to write fan fiction in the office without getting caught? Kudos to you... you're getting paid to do what you'd do in your free time. It's better than nothing.