By Laundrylady - 18/08/2009 20:52 - United States

Today, I was at the laundromat doing my clothes when I noticed a cute guy next to me. I tried to be a ninja and sneak my sock into his basket so I could start a conversation with him. He saw me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 473
You deserved it 71 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the **** kind of conversation are you going to start with a sock in his basket? "Oh hey I accidentally put this sock in your basket my name is crazy bitch, its nice to meet you!"

Jacks_Penguin 0

YDI for not knowing how to start conversations without pulling stupid stunts.


Screw all the a holes trolling on the internet, huge props to you for actually trying to engage!! men get so sick of having to always be the ones to do that stuff. Any woman that makes an effort goes way up on the list.

you just made that guy the happiest man alive. did you say hi to him at least? i wish a girl would do that to me

jewelsfml 0

I'm assuming you still got your conversation.. It was just a bit different than you pictured it would be. xP

Cuz we all know that starting a conversation with "Oh, sorry, I think my sock magically flew out of my pile and into yours, which I noticed naturally because I have amazing eagle eyes" will make him think you're super hot

You could have started a conversation the normal way.

How could that conversation have gone well? "My sock is in your laundry basket". "The hell"?