By Anonymous - 18/08/2009 23:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. After about 10 minutes, while we changed positions, he shouts, "Power Rangers - It's Morphin' Time!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 923
You deserved it 12 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Equinox987 0

LMAO, does he want to be the pink ranger?


Equinox987 0

LMAO, does he want to be the pink ranger?

The content they allow on YouTube these days ...

CrackhouseDoug 0

How is this FYL? You had sex with a Power Ranger. You should appreciate it.

Paigggee 0

^ I agree how is this FYL? Your boyfriend is made of EPIC WIN!

EvaXRose 0

"for a goodtime, call Pink Ranger"

americayay 0

Agreed 93. Not an FML. There seems to be a trend going around where instead of posting FMLs, people bitch and moan because their significant others have a sense of humor, which is stupid and boring.

This is TOTALLY an FML and I'd be pretty pissed off if it happened to me. What kind of ****** wouldn't have gone with the classic "It's morphin' time!"?

HahaYDI 0

I feel like 90% of these OP's "significant others" are freaking awesome, how come I dont meet anyone that awesome? You guys don't deserve them lol

...This is an FML jacked word-for-word from a French one posted a while back. " Aujourd'hui, je faisais l'amour avec mon copain. Quand nous avons changé de position, il a crié : "Transformation Power Rangers !" VDM" lame. lamer that I know that though...

To #20, just because it was on youtube doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Maybe the OP's bf saw it on youtube and did it. You gatta think before you say things like that.

that_guy321 2

134, i completely agree it would be awesome to have a someone that did that kinda stuff!

that_guy321 2

134, i completely agree it would be awesome to have a someone that did that kinda stuff!

134, maybe you HAVE met them, but because of twits like the OP, they're too shy and embarassed to be themselves now.

rae_o_sunshine 0

actually, its pretty bitchin that u read these in french, its more than most ppl can say.

Ox_Baker 0

This is a stupid FML. I mean, if it really bothered her, she's a total hypocrite for inspiring thousands of guys to do the same thing to their girlfriends. If it didn't bother her, it's not an FML.

I agree wienerwagon. He should have yelled "It's Morphin' Time!" like any decent Power Ranger would have.

Funny...but the pirate FML that's just like this is WAY better xD

... the **** are you talking about? YDI for dating AWESOME people! :D

jazziloveberryy 3

#143 I totally agree!!! some people should think before they write, because they end up looking like an anus.

That loser, it's not even the right catch phrase. When they put on the uniforms it's "It's morphing time" and when they call the zords it's "Megazord Power!"

hilarious... if he actually got it right :P.... FML for u coz ur bf doesnt know the difference between the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and transformers

heycan some one tellme what YDI means??

I would marry him and I'm a dude.. 272 - You deserved it.

The_Cait 0

BAAAAAAAAaahahahahahahahaha Fantastic!

usmcwifey9129 0

I gotta agree here. At least he gas a sense of humor. One day you'll think back on that moment and think it's funny too.

I know right? Only one question comes to mind; Where the **** are all these awesome significant others hiding? XD

rachelxxx 0

Are you kidding!? Her boyfriend is freaking awesome!

When you're on top, you should start singing, "My little pony." (;

Awesome. Just awesome. Yeah, OP, tell your boyfriend to go study up and learn his stuff. Transformers transform. Power Rangers say stuff like, "It's morphin' time!". :P :P