By wantedphantom - 09/07/2016 02:26

Today, I was at the lake with my family. I was drinking from a can of soda but didn't realize a bee flew into the can. I didn't swallow it, but I now have Kylie Jenner's lips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 817
You deserved it 1 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cheaper than Botox. It'll be the newest "natural environmentally friendly" fad. The tag line should read: "Bee One with Nature".

I could just see that in a magazine ad... "WANT TO SPRUCE UP YOUR LIPS? COME IN TODAY WITH 'DR.' JENNER'S ALL NATURAL 100% BEE LIP ENHANCMENTS, FOR ONLY $899.99 + $299.99 CO-PAY EACH!"


Cheaper than Botox. It'll be the newest "natural environmentally friendly" fad. The tag line should read: "Bee One with Nature".

Only problem: bees die when they sting so it would very environment unfriendly, plus there's a shortage on bees already as far as i know

I'm sure they could genetically design bees that didn't die after one sting to solve this issue. Or just genetically design some hornets or wasps to sting without releasing venom, since they already don't die after one sting.

Genetic Engineering is not environmentally friendly. Or safe. Genetically modified species tend to be invasive as hell, and information on that relates largely to plant species. Imagine how bad it would be with wasps- the ******* can fly!

I could just see that in a magazine ad... "WANT TO SPRUCE UP YOUR LIPS? COME IN TODAY WITH 'DR.' JENNER'S ALL NATURAL 100% BEE LIP ENHANCMENTS, FOR ONLY $899.99 + $299.99 CO-PAY EACH!"

It's the cool thing to do now anyways so you'll be fine

At no extra cost to you too I must add...

Uhm, dude, pain and humiliation are quite a cost.

neighbor at my cabin died cuz he swallowed it jsss

I think you'd better return them, she's probably wondering where they are.

sounds like a win-win situation to me