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By Anonymous - 10/02/2021 00:30

Today, I was drinking lemon juice through a straw. After finishing half of the drink, I noticed there was a cockroach in my straw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 946
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Question, did you mean lemonade? Because the idea of someone just suckin' plain lemon juice through a straw is insanity to me.

Who drinks lemon juice straight through a straw?


Who drinks lemon juice straight through a straw?

Wouldn't you notice how hard it was to pull the juice through the obstructed straw? Or were you too busy puckering?

Question, did you mean lemonade? Because the idea of someone just suckin' plain lemon juice through a straw is insanity to me.

you deserved it for drinking straight lemon juice who the **** does that

Where you at home? And I hope you mean lemonade

diraven 15

At least it was still in the straw

I am not so sure I believe this one: (1) I never saw a cockroach that would fit into a drinking straw. (2) I don’t know of anyone who drinks lemon juice - It’s incredibly tart and acidic.

Sady_Ct 37

I have seen a roach in a straw, also roach eggs. I love lemon juice, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth at all.