By funnnyyyyy -_- - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Nepal - Kathmandu

Today, I was singing along to my favorite song when a giant bug flew into my mouth. I was so shocked, I almost swallowed it. After I was done freaking out, my sister wanted to throw the bug a big funeral for its "heroic sacrifice" in shutting me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 245
You deserved it 6 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I couldn't help but giggle at this FML, but I'm sorry your sister doesn't have a taste for your voice. I'm sure you weren't that bad. As for the bug, that's kinda gross. But you would've gotten a lot of protein from it.

If it flew into your mouth while you were singing, wouldn't that mean that the bug enjoyed it so much that it wanted to become one with your voice? I bet it didn't know that by. doing this it would result in you stopping and its death. FML for the bug. :(


I sympathise with you I fail at singing too but that was just plain mean of your sister, then again I can see my own brother doing the same thing

When a sibling does you wrong, sit on them. Usually works for me ;)

Anybody have Steam and play CoD WaW zombies? I need people to play with!

Spitters are quitters. Shoulda kept right on singing!

And what if the bug went down her throat? What if it was poisonous? What if she bit it by mistake?

oh yeah now I see why you don't have a girlfriend

lets make you sing in a room full of hornets. is that okay with you

MisterKnowItAll 15

In song form, for revenge on the sister.

True. However, I think I'll stick to meat and cheese for my protein :)

If it flew into your mouth while you were singing, wouldn't that mean that the bug enjoyed it so much that it wanted to become one with your voice? I bet it didn't know that by. doing this it would result in you stopping and its death. FML for the bug. :(

You should've stopped bugging her by singing and maybe the bug wouldn't have flew into your mouth

Who cares. Keep singing if it makes you happy!

It bugs me how family can be so rude. Unless all your buzzing was that horrible that it's unbearable and inescapable.