By Modeon123 - 20/10/2016 10:11 - Korea, Republic of - Seoul

Today, I was eating my lunch. When I opened my mouth to eat a spoonful of rice, a bee flew right inside my mouth. My tongue got stung. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 473
You deserved it 1 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, I witnessed a predator devouring what I thought was my hive's larval population, so I took it upon myself to defend the queen's honor and attacked. I nearly got eaten. Protecting rice. FML"

I'm sorry OP but if you want honey on your rice that's not the best way to go about it


I'm sorry OP but if you want honey on your rice that's not the best way to go about it

FalloutScrolls 25

Hope you bit down and exacted your revenge. It actually would have been merciful, granting it a quicker death like that.

stevenJB 25

Gotta get your protein one way or the other!

"Today, I witnessed a predator devouring what I thought was my hive's larval population, so I took it upon myself to defend the queen's honor and attacked. I nearly got eaten. Protecting rice. FML"

Plus he would've died, right? From stinging something. So it's ghost bee writing the fml.

MasterTron 24

She. Some where around 90% of a hive is female

Very few bees die from stinging something, it's mainly just bumblebees.

I guess the phrase "Bites without a sting" doesn't apply to you.

Are you sure it wasn't sriracha sauce? That shit is hot!

Alup132 22

It's not very hot, actually.

I had Sriracha when Subway was doing the Hunger Games promo. It may depend on you but it was kinda there.

Yourheadache 19

hope you ate the ************ too, lol!

olpally 32

I'm cringing at the mental image of this. Ouch!