Says something about you, probably

By Amanda Howard - 27/04/2020 02:00

Today, my brother, who recently got out of prison after doing time for armed robbery, got a job at Target. I applied to the same Target six times, and was denied every time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 986
You deserved it 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They get a tax kickback for hiring ex-cons

Boyufd 24

I wouldn't say it's selfish. she's just simply pointing out that she applied more than once and never got it


He has work experience. You don't. Go knock over a few liquor stores and then re-apply to Target.

Or rob Target itself. They'll hire her on the spot.

They get a tax kickback for hiring ex-cons

also I believe target is a participant of an ex con rehab program that helps hire out of prison

Places also hire because of personality not just what’s on your resume. You should be happy he has a good job and is trying to straighten his life out. Kind of selfish of you.

Boyufd 24

I wouldn't say it's selfish. she's just simply pointing out that she applied more than once and never got it

You could be overqualified. Retail doesn't want to hire people who could leave at a moments notice.

Laureen Takeshita_1375230115 5

You should just be happy your brother has a job.

So did you ask them why they weren't interested in YOU? Good to hear he's got a job.