By Bamamomma01 - 13/03/2009 18:08 - United States

Today, I went to get my midterm essay grade thinking I couldn't have made lower than a B. Got to class and my douchebag professor gave me an F. He wrote "Best essay I read, would've been an A if it was the right topic." I wrote on the Industrial Revolution, instead of the Scientific Revolution. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 822
You deserved it 87 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so he's a douchebag because you can't read instructions?

shantoyamuchluv 0

You're too stupid to figure out the difference between the INDUSTRIAL revolution and the SCIENTIFIC revolution and you call your professor a douchebag? Sounds like the pot's calling the kettle black.


beccaroo91 0

how is he a douche if you didn't do the right paper? maybe you should pay attention next time dumbass

he's got a point it is YOUR mess up after all, not his.

How does it suck to be her? "Oh, let's not read the instructions correctly, then blame the professor for doing so, QQ, whine whine, yada yada". I mean, come on, seriously? No, it does NOT suck to be her. It sucks to be her professor. Why? Because he actually spent time reading the essay, yet he's still being called a douchebag. To me, that shows that he was trying really hard to find something which could be useful for the scientific revolution, so, at least, he wouldn't have to give her an F. But no, miss "I-don't-care-how-bad-I-messed-up,-I'll-blame-it-on-someone-else", had to call him a douchebag. So yeah, for OP: YDI, and for the professor: I agree, your life sucks, seeing you have ungrateful and childish students like these.

You know, they do have a button to express exactly that thought

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jebby011 0

are you ******* retarded? He did his work, just not the right work. why the hell should he still get points for it?

part of the work would be reading directions so you know what topic to write on. And good lord... it doesn't take that much longer to type out YOU

so he's a douchebag because you can't read instructions?

shantoyamuchluv 0

You're too stupid to figure out the difference between the INDUSTRIAL revolution and the SCIENTIFIC revolution and you call your professor a douchebag? Sounds like the pot's calling the kettle black.

nlm92 15

Yeah those are two VERY DIFFERENT revolutions.... try about 400 years different...

I get those two words confused all the time.

Why would you be doing an essay on the Industrial Revolution in the same class you should be doing an essay on the Scientific Revolution? Common sense.

Western Civiliaztion. It covers both Scientific and Industrial Revolution.

jskibabe22 4

I am taking western civilization right now, and I have studied both.

Obviously it's the revolution class, the one that teaches you how to spin right round, right round when you go down!

I'm just trying to figure out how you got those two things mixed up, haha.

alex_vik 0

So, your professor's a douchebag when you failed to do the right topic? Whatever.

sugarcupcake 0

If your class was about Science wouldn't your test be about SCIENCE? And haven't you studied for this exam? Don't they tell you what is on the exam, before giving it to you like 2 weeks before? Sorry but why would you write something completely different from what you have learned or studied for at least 2 weeks?

AP euro (western civilizations) covers both

Guys, let's not blame him or the professor. We all know who the real culprit is, the Industrial Revolution. =X