By Anonymous - 18/10/2014 14:53 - United States - Pekin

Today, I was at a football game with my boyfriend. I said my hands were getting cold, hoping he'd hold them. He replied, "Uh, they make pockets for a reason..." and physically showed me how to put my hands in my pockets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 188
You deserved it 7 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, that's probably what I'd say too. I'm very sarcastic though...


Ambrily 27

Not the most romantic boyfriend, but he had a point. Next time you could just grab his hands, OP.

Your bf shoulda said "you can put your hands in my pockets"

And then he says my dick Is kinda getting cold

HazelGrace 10

That's colder than your hands -_-

See the problem there is you thought he could take a hint. If you want him to hold your hands, asking him to hold your hands just might work.

don't have high expectations.he's not going to know all the signs you put out there

Makes a change from being too hot, I suppose.

This is why they make women's clothes without pockets. Now you know what to wear next time.

next time just ask to hold his hands? :p