By calliefml - 26/04/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, I walked into my dorm to find my roommate hanging a voodoo doll of me on a noose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 785
You deserved it 6 163

Same thing different taste


OKay genephix and ohhhhhhhhhhshizzzzz whats the point in starting an internet fight? U DONT KNOW EACH OTHER. jesus ppl that get in fights with ppl they dont know have no lives jsyk. okay uhmmm i would prolly tell the dean or get ur roommate some mental help.

luv2sing247 0

Seriously, do you guys realize what you're fighting about? You're fighting about who knows more about voodoo and you're telling mommy and daddy that "so-and-so" said a bad word. Get over your selves. It's not a big deal. Who even cares? In any case, I'd say this is made up. And if it's not, I would definetely call someone and do somthing about it right away. That is scary shit!

ladedum 0

HAHAHAHAH oh shiiiiiiiiiit. OP, hope you booked it out of there. #61. i'd like to think you were joking, but in any case, that ws kind of a scary suggestion...

vanityinsanity 0

omg what a crazy person! confront them inform the university admin move out make sure the roommate gets a psych consultation!

Hopefully your roommate was joking... otherwise that's creepy and you should move out.

FlatBaby 0 -- I think your bad moment is shown in this video =)

catballou 1
iloveyoualot 0

Shane Dawson re-enacted that FML in his video!

start sacrificing chickens and goats to plaese the voodoo

Or just make a doll of the roommate to get revenge. That works too. :)