By Woops - 27/08/2014 22:57 - United States - Secaucus

Today, a schoolmate I've always secretly hated came over to my place to hang out. She found her way to my room and instantly noticed my dartboard, which I'd taped a picture of her face onto. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 817
You deserved it 47 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback_fml 14

You let her come over knowing you had her face as a target there? And you hate her so why have her over anyway?


flashback_fml 14

Honestly, OP sounds like a bitch. If you hate someone that much, then why the **** are you hanging out with them in the first place? I hate twofaced people like you. Sorry bout the rant but you totally deserved it

I get the impression from this FML that OP actually wants us to sympathise with her on this - I can't understand why it would be posted otherwise. Why would you want to publicly show what a two faced bitch you are? I agree, OP may be insane. Not normal behaviour....

Yeah, OP that's kind of, no, really ****** up.

Why are you letting people you hate so much into your house and your room? doesnt make sense? lol

You let her come over knowing you had her face as a target there? And you hate her so why have her over anyway?

I feel like your username would suit OP better.

Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer

Not that close. I'd like to know what my enemy was doing but not to the point I'd bring them to my home and pretend to be their friend. That would me ME the asshole then

hunterluv1 20

school project, maybe? they never said they were trying to be friends, just that it was a classmate

hunterluv1 20

"to hang out"... never mind, ignore my theory.

no...just no... dont pretend to like someone & let them over, that's fake as shit..point blank..

I'll never understand the people who pretend to like individuals that they hate. If you don't like someone, don't invite them to hang out with you. It's really not that difficult.

Maybe she didn't invite? Mutual friends or something?

but if she hated her why did she let her into the house? mutual friends or not, if I don't like someone I wouldn't let them in my house. sounds like OP has mental problems

I agree with 3. I hate when people don't like someone and are fake and pretend to be their friends. I mean you don't have to be rude to the person but don't pretend to be their best friend. Plus I wonder if there's really a reason for you to hate her so much seeing as she seems to be nice to you and wants to be your friend. And if she is really mean to you then why would you let her in your house? YDI.

RedPillSucks 31

29 may have something. If she came over with a friend, it would be rude to allow the friend but tell the other person to leave. that said, OP is investing too much emotional effort when using a face-dart board as a negative motivator

Aviaf 9

I guess OP just didn't want to be mean: maybe they just have annoying qualities but as they share mutual friends, OP has to get on with the person. It is easier to be civil and kind than have a group feud.

One time my ex brought his new gf to my room uninvited(along with a bunch of other people). I was not a happy camper but I pretended to be ok with it until they left.


MzZombicidal 36

#98, some people can remain civil with an ex. Especially if you share a lot of the same friends.

99, it sounds like her ex came along uninvited, and invites other unwanted people as well. I'm not sure about you, but I don't care how civil I am with my ex. If you bring random people into my dwelling, you're all getting kicked out. I've also had a girl I dislike show up to my house uninvited. She'd overheard some mutual friends talking about the birthday party/sleepover I was having, and felt that it was appropriate to invite herself along. I flat out told her that she wasn't invited, and needed to leave. Who knows, maybe I'm just not as nice as other people.

salvorican 24

If you hated her then why did you allow her in your house?

idk why OP did it but I think "she got the point"

KrazyKatz3 26

Maybe there are more things in play here. Maybe OP lives with her parents and they are friends with the hated classmate's parents and that's why she ended up there... I mean it is possible. Otherwise OP is seriously messed up....

You sound like a petty, passive-aggressive individual and I hope you were rightly told off by her. Get help before you hurt yourself or somebody else.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I'm not sure why this was thumbed down. I completely agree. OP, why would you have someone that you dislike over? Why would you HATE this person, has she ever done you a personal wrong? And even so, why not try letting go instead of putting a picture of her on your dartboard...? That seems to me like it would just perpetuate your anger. I would suggest possibly getting help, and I'm not saying this in a bad way. Everyone could use a little help. (In fact, I'm starting therapy soon as well). It might help you, OP! :)

I also wonder how bad the girl can be considering she wants to be friends with OP.

Wow that's a lot of hatred.... That's creepy. I feel bad for her. Unless its a good reason you hate her... But YkindaDI

ifoundalaska 11

You might want to talk to someone about that rage you're dealing with...

DogeMan 14

U might check ur room before letting her in.

#10 OP shouldn't of let this poor girl in her house period if she hates her so much that she has her picture on a dart board, OP letting this girl in knowing how much she "secretly hates" her just shows how two faced she is not to mention the fact that I think OP needs to get help for her anger because sounds crazy, it's the girl I feel bad for not OP.