By calliefml - 26/04/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, I walked into my dorm to find my roommate hanging a voodoo doll of me on a noose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 785
You deserved it 6 163

Same thing different taste


109 is right. YDI because you're moooost likely a shitty roommate. I had an experience with a horrible roommate before. If I knew voodoo, I might have tried it too.

that's what u get when ur room mates from hati, look it up!

dimplez_47 0

haha, thatss weird.. but is it bad thatt i laughedd like really hardd when i read this? :) hahaha.

many people use voodoo to release stress, not for real harm. (i said many, not all.) but when i studied it, i learned that most people(in my area) just use it inobjectivly

coralroman 0

ahahaaaa LOLL shane dawson talked about this one!!!!

fake hang yourself and see what she does or start doing some Jamaican tribal dance and in the end hit her with a pan.