By calliefml - 26/04/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, I walked into my dorm to find my roommate hanging a voodoo doll of me on a noose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 785
You deserved it 6 163

Same thing different taste


xMooMoox 0

#108 I was just commenting well "passage-ing" on what an idiot that girl was. I was "internet standing up for someone" if you may. I assure you I do have a life, and if I don't because I stated facts on someone else's argument then I guess you don't either. Good day to you :)


Lol, who cares. That shit isn't real, just like vampires and werewolves. I would've just laughed and started a voodoo doll war! :-) Then again if they actually do sound and look serious, maybe you should think about moving out... And to the people flaming in this comment thread, less QQ please. Go hit up a punching bag or something to release your inner child's anger. Seriously, don't you have something better to do than to whine and moan pointlessly? Stop flexing your e-peen and play nice.

my friend and i were talking about what someone would say if they were hanging up a voodoo doll of their roommate and they walked in? so i'm just wondering what in the hell they did/said when you walked in on them doing that

missus_butter 0

Wow, time to go talk to your RA. Because either your roommate is some a-hole playing with this stuff to freak you out (bad), or they really believe in it and are hoping you die (worse). In either case they don't sound too tightly wrapped so escape as quickly as possible! And to forestall argument, I'm not saying people who believe in voodoo are loopy. I'm saying there's something off about anyone who a) messes with other people like that, or b) makes what they believe to be an attempt on their roommate's life.

I'd be more worried about your roommate's sanity than the effectiveness of the voodoo doll....